Goodbye Applidget

Friday 27 December 2013

After 1 year and 9 months of service, I am leaving Applidget to focus on my consulting career. I have been working on MobiCheckin with @rpechayr, @W_Deluche, @m7alleus and @Ahrryg. I am proud of what we built, a robust, well-tested, full-featured SaaS product. For the stats nerds out there, here are some numbers:

2187 commits
2187 commits on the MobiCheckin rails app

Pivotal Tracker reports 90 sprints of one week including 763 stories (489 features, 214 bugs and 60 chores). Github reports 760 Pull Requests on the rails app repository. Those were busy times for sure!

I’m glad I was part of this great team, I learned a lot. Applidget let me become a Ruby on Rails expert. I also had the pleasure to assume the Product Manager hat regarding MobiCheckin, and provide my input to the roadmap.

I also want to thank @CBarrault, our great executive assistant, @_afournier, @jm_rolland and @MickaelONILLON, our awesome sales team, @bcosset, our MobiCheckin virtuoso, @tildedash and @b0baille, two other great engineers in the team, and @tristanverdier, for hiring me last year. I wish you guys the best. Do you want to become a ruby on rails wizard? They are hiring.

Would you like to learn programming? I am CTO of Le Wagon, a 9-week full-stack web development bootcamp for entrepreneurs, and would be happy to have you on board!

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