EDIT: hub
has been updated to deal with this issue. Just run brew update && brew upgrade hub
If your company uses Github on a daily basis for your private git repositories,
you may be using Pull Requests at the heart of the Github flow. You may already
know hub
, a little command-line tool to help you
use Github from your prompt.
$ brew install hub
Then you get the following helpers:
$ hub help
GitHub Commands:
pull-request Open a pull request on GitHub
fork Make a fork of a remote repository on GitHub and add as remote
create Create this repository on GitHub and add GitHub as origin
browse Open a GitHub page in the default browser
compare Open a compare page on GitHub
By default, the hub pull-request
command will try to create a Pull Request
from you:feature-branch
to org:master
. That’s a problem since you are
an organization member, you have commit access to the repo so you want the
Pull Request to be from org:feature-branch
to org:master
. Here is the
command which lets you do that. Add it to your ~/.aliases
$ hub pull-request -h \
`git remote -v | grep -oE -m1 "github.com:([^/]*)" \
| sed "s/github.com://"`:`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
When run, this command will open vim
, you will be able to type your Pull Request
title and body, :wq
, and voilà! No need to fire up your browser anymore :)